Freitag, 24. November 2017


(Running time: 50:03 minutes; 10 songs)
("Prosthetic Records"; 2017; CD):
Back on track again... and when I look at the amount of 2017 releases that I still have to and especially that I still want to do reviews on up here for you then I have not a single clou how the bloody hell I should be doing this all still in 2017... god-damn-it... I think I'll really should or must try to find more time, where-ever, to do (finally again) more frequent reviews up here... at least I'll do try to do so, in all honesty. And so, yes, I'll be starting right now and so here now comes my review on the 2017 release of/by ABHORRENT DECIMATION titled "THE PARDONER" and released via "PROSTHETIC RECORDS" for you. ABHORRENT DECIMATION were before I first listened to "THE PARDONER" totally unknown to me but I think they are a U.K. based band; and what I definitely know and not just think is that they are a really fine Deathcore and/or (Modern) Death Metal band that comes to conquer, and so they do. ABHORRENT DECIMATION will definitely be hailed by fans of such first class acts like the almighty WHITECHAPEL, the mighty SUICIDE SILENCE as well as the larger than life ALL SHALL PERISH, hm, maybe some little bit HEAVEN SHALL BURN and they mix it all with really strong and brutal (also pretty 'slammy') Death Metal marks that make me think (for example) on the one hand of (newer to new) SUFFOCATION and on the other hand of roughnecked Death Metal a la ILLDISPOSED and they do it all on a, from my point of view, not only very strong but also very independently level and also they offer a pretty strong own flavour and character to enrich it all massively. In parts this is due to a very cold and sinister atmosphere and the very aggressive delivered guitar work that breathes an 'icy' and very dark Black Metal spirit into all the songs and that's just damn strong done and also just damn great. This is very sinister and dark, very cold and sort of sick, brutal and aggressive musick on a very high skilled level and with a strong own flavor to it all, delivered by guys that really know how to play and master their instruments and how to write damn grapping and exciting songs with a lot of surprises and great twists and turns along the whole ride. The biggest or strongest marking elements are surely the very, very brutal and over-the-top pissed off grunted and harsh vokillz that also showcase and offer a very strong own identity, yes, and the bonecracking and facesmashing guitar work that delivers one hell of a fantastic rhythm work full of great grooves and forward marching rhythmes as well as a lot of demanding and grapping changes in the rhythm architecture and the rhythmic structure of the songs and that also delivers us top notch changes of the pace and the mood of the single songs as well as the whole album, hell yeahr, and then the guitars especially shine in the leads'n'solos department full of rich and just breath-taking and atmospheric-tight as well as very, hm, yes, just pure dark'n'evil and though and through hellish leads and asskicking solos that all really, really shine, yes, dark'n'sinister but anyhow bright shining. Goddamn it, I simply just really love this stuff. All is backed up by a very verstaile and incredible precise and to the point played and done and delivered rhythm section that really just leaves my eyes and mouth wide open. Phenomenal!!! And then we also get piano parts that also convince with some other orchestral instrumentation, yes,and not just convince, but damn fucking bloody conquer. Finally all is made round by first class very interesting and surely story-tellin' lyrics, a beautiful artwork, yes, and a heavy and kicking production sound that's also very clear and clean so that you really get all what happens in a perfect way - and trust me it really happens a lot on ABHORRENT DECIMATION's "THE PARDONER"; a very demanding and intensive album, definitely, and also an album that's really worth your time and effort and interest. And an album that I can only highly, highly recommend to you, for sure, and so go out and get it as soon as possible if you still don't know or have it. This is one of my biggest discoveries of 2017 so far and one of my biggest (and very best) surprises so far, too. So, in short: Get it!!! And for now, oh yes, I'll close this review because so far I've said all what I had to say, yes, and so now : Cheers and good night.
(9 of 10 points) (-the link to the bandcamp site of the band)


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