Hey folks, I know it's pretty silent this month, but thank the gods things are almost done for 2012. Looking at new albums that I still have to review it's currently just the great new STOMPER 98 album left, speaking about 2012 releases, as well as also the split 7'' of the LAZY BASTARDS and THE DROOGIEZ waits to be reviewed by me for you up here, okay, but that's a 2011 release, as well as also the first demo of HORRIBLE x HANGOVER really needs to be reviewed finally up here, okay, and that's also a 2012 release by itself. But, you see, not much work left to do for me in this department up here for you.
Speaking about 2012 releases I somehow did reviews on all the stuff in stock, but surely there are still a big bunch of new albums out that I want to have like the new PATRIOT album (finally they are back), that I need desperately, or the new albums of different acts and artists like DISCHARGER, IRON CITY PATRIOTS, STORMWATCH, MANOWAR, MOSES PELHAM, THE CORPS, RAZORBLADE, DROPKICK MURPHYS (the new album should to be released soon, for all what I've read on Facebook), just to name some. But don't ask me when I will finally have all or at least some of this ones, currently I really have to have a open eye on my fiscal ressources, so we will see. But for now, honestly, I am pretty happy that the very most stuff of all the record reviews for this very year so far are finally done...
That's good. I am currently a little bit fed up with doing reviews on records so far, it was very much of this stuff that I've done this very year, so even over the last two months or so I tried to put again more intensity (or however you may like to call it) in it all and working again more precisely on and myself into the reviewed albums (and I think I've done so) at the end of the day it's pretty good that now finally I will really have some free time up here to get other stuff done, especially posts of the ''Sports'' (PHIL HEATH and KAI GREENE will be next) and the ''AMERICAN Oi! HISTORY SERIES'' categories will be done some soon time again by me, and also some new ''Movie Reviews'', which are really fun to do, will come soon to light again up here. Interviews will be done as soon as I got them settled together finally, in the pipeline are interviews with WARKRUSHER (Grindcore) and DEATH WILL SCORE (Hardcore), but don't try to nail me on any date. Ah, and, yes, and...
The supplement check up, that I've announced, will... okay, yes, it will come, but... you still have to wait for it a little bit longer... I have honestly to admit that I somehow acted like a real Personal Computer Scientist and somehow accidentially not only deleted all the pictures but also all the already written articles and the written down ingredients lists and the empty supplement packages are nowadays gone into the waste... so, you see, it will still take some time... I'm surely very sorry!!! Damn it!!! It was a tremendeous farce... fuck it!!!
Anyhow, even I've written and meant it so that I'm so far currently nowadays almost through with the work up here for 2012 there's still some stuff in the pipeline and in 2013 things will go on again or start again, see and say it like you want, but don't ask me when the so far last stuff for 2012 will be coming up finally here, because currently I really don't have that much time even I'm pretty sure that it will still be this very year of 2012, so better calm down. There's a lot going on at the moment, with me getting ready for my new work and also moving into a new apartment as well as into a new town with my girlfriend and the final work or moves will be done this weekend, then tomorrow I get also my back inked and then coming tuesday my left leg, then I must and will see how I will be able to keep my sporting schedule going on over the next week or the next two weeks, my sporting schedule that together with my nutrition plan and supplement addition will drastically change directly after Christmas (bulking up is then done so far, then comes conditioning, probably the hardest part, down from 120kg to just 110kg or 105 kg), but thankfully I was a good boy and done all my homeworks and reached my aims for 2012 in this department, yes, so that a little bit more regenating training is perhaps a good thing for me. Then also finally my sister and her man are coming for a visit over the holidays again and that's something that I really look forward to, also my family and friends and especially my beloved girlfriend really deserve to see and get more from me than pretty often the last months (due to work and Bodybuilding and stuff like this), so there's a lot about to happen over the next days, so that I can't say how and when I will find the time to get things done up here. But stay tuned, you may be suprised when I get it done sooner than later, we will see, but not that you say that I didn't warned you.
Next friday, the 21. of December I will be at the first day of the traditional "WINTERBREEZE" concert, the acoustic part of it, in Goslar in the "B6", so anyone reading this who can be there make sure to be there, it will surely be a fun time this evening. Saturday my father celebrates his birthday, so that's more important, family business and so, you know the deal, so that I won't be seen there at Saturday. Hm, anyway, maybe it would also be a pretty good starting point to do finally a new gig review or report again, we will see. Hm, thinking about it, some fanzines I have also somewhere still lying around waiting to be reviewed, I will try to find them and see if it still makes sense to do reviews on them. Anyhow, anyway...
Okay folks, that is it for now, I've said or written to you all and everything that I wanted to tell you for now, so now I will just give you a great picture for now and then that's it for today or tonight, and with this picture I can live out some of my nerdyness again and also it's one of my favorite pictures of this department for sure, even HE-MAN got slaughtered in a brutal way, but okay, it was done by the almighty HORDAK, my favorite, so at the end of the day I can somehow live with it at least a little bit... ;-) This brings us to the headline or the title of this very post, because you now see "THE TRIUMPH" of HORDAK over HE-MAN. Enjoy it and then that's it for now, more soon in the near future or so. Thanks for you attention and interest and the time you spended on reading this little article. Cheers folks and then good night and sleep well and dream better, we'll read us soon again.