Sonntag, 5. September 2010


Hey folks!!!

This is a little introduction post, an introduction via a little video clip, of the great german Vikingrock band of the name of KRAFTHEIM. One of the very few german Vikingrock bands around, hm, and also I think one of the also only (very) few (currently active) Vikingrock bands on the whole globe, 'cause so big this scene or genre isn't really at all, don't ask me why, maybe 'cause it's not one of so oh so 'mainstream-like' big and well known and best promoted music scenes or genres at all and also it was given a bad reputation by some stupid AFA jackasses, WP faggots, and other idiots out there. Okay, this is a video clip of the above mentioned KRAFTHEIM, a very, very, very good band!!! They're playing a pretty unique sound or style of Vikingrock, coming with a good dose of Metal in it but without becoming a silly Metal band farce at all, so damn it, thumbs up!!! They've released, for what I know, four releases at all, up to this date 'cause they are still very active, at first came the "GEÄCHTET" named 7" single and then the selftitled full length debut record (the cover of it you see above this writing), both had been released by the german label "Dim Records", and then they released the CD EP "EIN GUTER TAG ZUM STERBEN" and the new full length "MIDGARDS ZORN", and both were or are completly done in the D.I.Y. way of doing things. Some of this releases I reviewed back in the days on my MySpace blog (but all written just in german), so check the reviews there (and maybe hope the best that the MySpace translation function does his duty as good as anyhow possible), 'cause I won't put them up here again. They were featured with a damn good interview in the issue no. # 10 of the great german "DER ZWERGPIRAT" print fanzine, and also in the fantastic current issue no. # 13 of the "DER ZWERGPIRAT" with an introduction of their new CD release called "MIDGRADS ZORN", so check this stuff out. I really like this band and their very good and also pretty stand-alone music, and so I thought that it would be a good idea to promote them a little bit here on this blog and that's how and why you now get a video of them. It's of their live gig back in 2008 on the "KUGGNÄS" Festival in Sverige and they are playing their fantastic hymn "GEÄCHTET". The sound is pretty good, as well as also the picture quality, so yes, I hope you will enjoy it and also on this way finally a little bit more Vikingrock comes to happen here on this very blog and this is also always a good thing, at least if you ask me. If you like what you hear, then go and support the band (maybe via contacting them by clicking on the link), 'cause they're just great and damn deserve it, point and fact!!! I really hope that they will find finally a new label, and yes, again I can't understand it why such a damn good band has no damn label to put their releases out with some proper promotion to back it up, if you see and hear what a big bunch of totally non-sense bands today do get a record deal... ah, forget about it, I haven't understood it until this day and I really won't understand it anyhow anymore, so enough said to this topic. KRAFTHEIM are singing in german, and they have really strong and good lyrics. You will get the lyrics following this words, and I'll also translate them for you in english as good and correct as I can, and then you will get the very good live clip of this great band playing and performing one of their fantastic hymns. So, just enjoy it!!! Cheers & Oi!
(PS: Ah, one last thing to all the AFA jackasses as well as all the White Power faggots out there, KRAFTHEIM have do NOTHING (!!!) in common with the german Neo-Nazi crap band of the name of KRAFTSCHLAG, and by the way, the name KRAFTHEIM means nothing else than the home of Thor, so stop your stupid ridiculous hustle or your brainwashed fascist hype crap!!!)


Ein einsamer Mann kämpft sich durch das Land.
Sein Volk scheint verloren, geschlagen durch des Christen Hand.
Sie verleugnen das Arsengeschlecht und preisen einen anderen Gott,
verbieten ihnen Odin zu ehren oder bestrafen sie mit dem Tod.

Doch er wird sich nicht beugen, er will sein Land befreien.
Allein jedoch ist er machtlos gegen den heiligen Schein.
Er sucht nun Verbündete, die mit ihm zurückschlagen.
Nieder mit der Heuchelei, er kann es nicht ertragen!

(Refrain:) Geächtet und vertrieben aus seinem Vaterland,
seine Freunde unterworfen oder gerichtet mit dem Schwert.
Tränen des Hasses rennen über sein Gesicht,
denn leben unter dem Christenkreuz, das will er nicht.

Er ruft nach den Göttern, doch sie bleiben stumm.
Nur öde Einsamkeit ist um ihn herum,
dunkle Wolken ziehen auf wie Vorboten einer bösen Zeit.
Doch er maschiert weiter auf seinem Weg in die Ungewissheit.

Werden auch Trolle und Riesen ihm den Weg erschweren,
fühlt er keine Angst, er weiß er kann sich wehren.
Getrieben von der Hoffnung nach Freiheit und nach Frieden,
schwört er seinem Volke sich zu rächen und zu siegen!


And now comes the translation... or what I was able to do out of it, haha;-)!!!



A lonely man is fighting his way through the land.
His people seem to be lost, beaten by the hands of Christ.
They are denying the gender of the Arsen and praise an alien god,
they are banning the praise of Odin or punishing them until they are dead.

But he will never bow down, he wants to liberate his land.
But alone he his powerless in the fight against the holy lies (/shine).
So he's seeking for brothers in arms that will battle back with him.
Against the hypocrisy, he can't stand it no more (/anylonger).

Refrain: Ostracised and dislodged from his fatherland,
his friends are slaved or died by the sword.
Bitter tears filled with hate are running down his face,
'cause to live under the cross of Christ that he rejects!

He's sreaming up to his gods for help, but they remain silent.
Nothing but blasted loneliness all around him,
dark clouds are gathering up in the sky as a sign of sinister times.
But he's marching on forward on his way into the uncertainty.

May even trolls and giants try to block his way,
he's feeling no fear, 'cause he knows he can fight them all back.
Driven by the hope on freedom and peace,
he's swearing to take revenge and win for the well of his folk!


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