Just a funny picture and then that's it for today, good night and sleep well!!! Ah, and don't care about the fact that the patches of HELLOWEEN and DIO are maybe a little bit misplaced here. ;-)
Sonntag, 30. September 2012
Announcement: "BSHC FEST 2012"
Hey folks, just a little ''News'' information posting today to inform you about the this years "BSHC FEST" which stand for the "BRAUNSCHWEIG HARDCORE FEST" a.k.a. something in the sense of the "BRUNSWICK HARDCORE FEST". It will be held at the 15. of the month of December 2012 in the club named "B58" in Braunschweig in Lower Saxony, the doors will be open at 7 p.m. and it will be starting one hour later at 8 p.m., and for paying just 5,00 Euro bucks you will be let in. The bands live on stage will be ARCHWAY (celebrating an exclusive reunion show), A TRAITOR LIKE JUDAS, SCIENCE OF SLEEP, BEDLAM BROKE LOOSE and COMPETITION. If I would you I would make sure to be there. And maybe we will then meet there, I am planning to go there, the only thing stopping me from doing so could be the fact that I get inked one day before and we will see if my new tattoo ''allows'' me to do so. Hm, anyhow, I think some slam dancing won't be an option for me anyway. But that's not of your concern. So to point it out: Make sure to be there!!!
A Traitor Like Judas,
"Bullet for my Valent..." "Bullet for your head!"
Today respectively tonight just a very, very little post to close this great day and funny concert evening, finally home and before sleep takes over here we go for now: Found this one on Facebook this week, thought it was great, still celebrate it heavily, and so I decided to put it up here. That's it then again for now already, enjoy it and then sleep well, more soon again, and now good night!!! :D
Samstag, 29. September 2012
FRACTURED - "BENEATH THE ASHES" (EBM'n'Wave with a Trance edge on "MINDBASE" in 2011)
("Mindbase"; CD):
Never heard anything of the label or the band before this album here, containing twelve songs in about fifty minutes. I bought this CD some months ago this year in March or maybe February for the low and cheap price of 2,50 Euro or so because the cover artwork really grapped me. And okay, with reviewing records it was a very busy year so far up here and maybe I didn't cared as much as I should in a proper way in case of some albums, and so that this is the reason why also this review just comes up that late. Maybe. Don't ask me. Also don't ask me how to name this kind of music or which genre this here comes out of. It's anyhow mostly if not completly through and through electronical and very atmospheric somehow sinister, slightly depressive or better melancholic and transcendental as well as meditative music with a strong Wave and also Trance touch to me, that really offers wide and deep landscapes of sound and music that just wait to be discovered by you and that's maybe best classified with EBM or maybe some sort of ''poppy'' and ''dancy'' soft Industrial or so, hm, but about answering this specific question I am not sure anyway and I feel pretty uncomfortable with doing so, so don't nail me on that. But anyhow, guys listening exclusively to guitar and drums and bass made music and that can't stand electronical music anyhow for which reasons ever can calmly stop reading and forget about this band and album, the rest is invited to go ahead with following this review. More leveled multi-layered diverse and incredible atmospheric beats and sounds and samples enriched with piano and pure bombast parts and leaded by great slightly electronical and artificial ''distorted'' more voiced lead vocals that thankfully are done mostly in a ''clean'' and ''clear'' sung and not grunted shouted way are the key elements of the music featured on this album, and while it starts really terrible with the wanna be hard and tough title track "BENEATH THE ASHES" it gets better and better over the distance and great tracks like "FOR WHAT?", "YOU ARE (THE VOICE INSIDE MY HEAD)", "ANESTHETIC" and "DIG" even bring names of larger than life pioneers like NEW ORDER and DEPECHE MODE to my mind, but without copying them and also even more electronical and modern and after all pretty stand-alone, at least after all what I can say after I am not an ''expert'' in this musical array, but it's a musical array I like anyhow pretty much, even it's not on my ''ordinary'' daily play list. Then we have also sick and deep and slightly psychotic tracks like "SAVE ME" that sound like a mixture out of HIS STATUE FALLS, some LINKIN PARK and GRAVITY KILLS, while a angry track like "STRAIGHT JACKET FASHION" offers angry and pissed off heavy Techno Beats and sheer aggression in its heavily distortion layed over the atmospheric breathing vibe of the relaxed beat. The nearly somewhat classical "INTERLUDE" and the more sampled spoken word coullagé "TRANSCENDENTAL RAGE FOR THE FUNDAMENTALISTS" give us free room to slip out of the intensity of the ''real'' and ''true'' tracks (even I would have preferred more ''real'' or ''true'' songy by any means and don't really need this two intermezzo tracks anyhow), just to flow into a phenomenal great track like "FLY AWAY" that gives you exactky what you need or better describes perfectly the feeling of wandering by night through the rain through the streets of your city being unable to get the stench of piss and of the thousands of worthless scumbags around you out of your nose while searching for a place or a person to give you finally shelter and preventing you from falling into despair and giving in to all the crap, scum and senselessness surrounding you in this world. If you find this shelter is another story that lies in your hands... The heavy and angry, pretty nu metallic and also by a band like HIS STATUE FALLS inspired and also a strange Old School Nintendo beat offering "WE BARE THESE SCARS" is then a pretty strong let down, seems very uninspired and not really creative after all, especially after a larger than life song like "FLY AWAY". The very ''trancy'' and also ''dancy'' song "DISENGAGE" then finally closes this album, and especially the refrain nearly commands you to start to dance along to it, even the song somehow breathes this ''kiddie'' Vampire Wave/Gothic/EBM vibe that I can't really arrange myself with, but anyhow a good song and a nice closing chapter to this album, well done. Also lyrically we get some intersting stuff, like you may have already anticipated by reading the song titles. The production sound is of high standard and the very futuristic yet pretty transcendental artwork really is an eye ctacher. This is a very diverse and multi-layered album, and for sure a damn good one as well, that's highly recommended by me for you, at least if you are only a little bit open minded for and interested in electronical music. Check it out, give it a good round and a fair try. (8 of 10 Points)
Never heard anything of the label or the band before this album here, containing twelve songs in about fifty minutes. I bought this CD some months ago this year in March or maybe February for the low and cheap price of 2,50 Euro or so because the cover artwork really grapped me. And okay, with reviewing records it was a very busy year so far up here and maybe I didn't cared as much as I should in a proper way in case of some albums, and so that this is the reason why also this review just comes up that late. Maybe. Don't ask me. Also don't ask me how to name this kind of music or which genre this here comes out of. It's anyhow mostly if not completly through and through electronical and very atmospheric somehow sinister, slightly depressive or better melancholic and transcendental as well as meditative music with a strong Wave and also Trance touch to me, that really offers wide and deep landscapes of sound and music that just wait to be discovered by you and that's maybe best classified with EBM or maybe some sort of ''poppy'' and ''dancy'' soft Industrial or so, hm, but about answering this specific question I am not sure anyway and I feel pretty uncomfortable with doing so, so don't nail me on that. But anyhow, guys listening exclusively to guitar and drums and bass made music and that can't stand electronical music anyhow for which reasons ever can calmly stop reading and forget about this band and album, the rest is invited to go ahead with following this review. More leveled multi-layered diverse and incredible atmospheric beats and sounds and samples enriched with piano and pure bombast parts and leaded by great slightly electronical and artificial ''distorted'' more voiced lead vocals that thankfully are done mostly in a ''clean'' and ''clear'' sung and not grunted shouted way are the key elements of the music featured on this album, and while it starts really terrible with the wanna be hard and tough title track "BENEATH THE ASHES" it gets better and better over the distance and great tracks like "FOR WHAT?", "YOU ARE (THE VOICE INSIDE MY HEAD)", "ANESTHETIC" and "DIG" even bring names of larger than life pioneers like NEW ORDER and DEPECHE MODE to my mind, but without copying them and also even more electronical and modern and after all pretty stand-alone, at least after all what I can say after I am not an ''expert'' in this musical array, but it's a musical array I like anyhow pretty much, even it's not on my ''ordinary'' daily play list. Then we have also sick and deep and slightly psychotic tracks like "SAVE ME" that sound like a mixture out of HIS STATUE FALLS, some LINKIN PARK and GRAVITY KILLS, while a angry track like "STRAIGHT JACKET FASHION" offers angry and pissed off heavy Techno Beats and sheer aggression in its heavily distortion layed over the atmospheric breathing vibe of the relaxed beat. The nearly somewhat classical "INTERLUDE" and the more sampled spoken word coullagé "TRANSCENDENTAL RAGE FOR THE FUNDAMENTALISTS" give us free room to slip out of the intensity of the ''real'' and ''true'' tracks (even I would have preferred more ''real'' or ''true'' songy by any means and don't really need this two intermezzo tracks anyhow), just to flow into a phenomenal great track like "FLY AWAY" that gives you exactky what you need or better describes perfectly the feeling of wandering by night through the rain through the streets of your city being unable to get the stench of piss and of the thousands of worthless scumbags around you out of your nose while searching for a place or a person to give you finally shelter and preventing you from falling into despair and giving in to all the crap, scum and senselessness surrounding you in this world. If you find this shelter is another story that lies in your hands... The heavy and angry, pretty nu metallic and also by a band like HIS STATUE FALLS inspired and also a strange Old School Nintendo beat offering "WE BARE THESE SCARS" is then a pretty strong let down, seems very uninspired and not really creative after all, especially after a larger than life song like "FLY AWAY". The very ''trancy'' and also ''dancy'' song "DISENGAGE" then finally closes this album, and especially the refrain nearly commands you to start to dance along to it, even the song somehow breathes this ''kiddie'' Vampire Wave/Gothic/EBM vibe that I can't really arrange myself with, but anyhow a good song and a nice closing chapter to this album, well done. Also lyrically we get some intersting stuff, like you may have already anticipated by reading the song titles. The production sound is of high standard and the very futuristic yet pretty transcendental artwork really is an eye ctacher. This is a very diverse and multi-layered album, and for sure a damn good one as well, that's highly recommended by me for you, at least if you are only a little bit open minded for and interested in electronical music. Check it out, give it a good round and a fair try. (8 of 10 Points)
Record Reviews
Freitag, 28. September 2012
EMPIRE OF RUST - "SHITTY DEMO RECORDINGS 2011 - 2012" (Baltimore Streetrock'n'Oi! from 2011 to 2012 + Download Link)
("D.I.Y."; MP3-Download):
("D.I.Y."; MP3-Download):
This is an American Streetrock'n'Oi! band from Baltimore that I discovered accidentially the last days or so and this is their demo release on 2012 so far, packed up full with their so far complete song discography done in the two years of 2011 and 2012, if I understood it right, and this is released as a official MP3-Download by the band itself and this so it seems so far just exclusively as a official free MP3-Download up on their Bandcamp site. (As usual the Download Link will close this review.) Stumbled upon them and found them really enjoying and so I did the Download, and if you should do so as well don't be confused that the Download just shows three songs and you get eight songs all in all. This band delivers us over the distance of their eight songs in about nineteen minutes strong rockin' and incredible dirty and punky rollin' surely at least very slightly Oi! fueled Streetrock music the U.S. American way of style and sound. Dirty and noisy, yet powerwful and somehow catchy hymnal guitar playing, a nicely smashing rhythm section and forceful snotty and also in a sympathic way wasted on some drinks lead vocals. Nothing anyhow special or groundbreaking here but some good stuff for sure that makes a lot fun to listen to, especially if you are familliar with and like bands like the great SORE LOSERS and their offsprings in the also great RAZORWIRE, even EMPIRE OF RUST at least currently can't really match up with the two mentioned bands, but are anyhow a really good and strong band. So, after this is a demo recording you should do good and expect some very minimalistic and dirty, noisy and rumbling, rough and raw, pretty live recorded kept dirty production sound that could and should really be a lot better because so it really blocks a lot of the potential that this music surely calls its very own, but okay, after this is a demo no one should also bitch around because of it too much. The included cover artwork is a nice one and the lyrics offer some nice approaches. So, anyway, a good starting point by and for a band we will hopefully hear and get more from in the future, after they've already shown here a lot potential. (7 of 10 points)
Empire Of Rust,
Record Reviews
Mittwoch, 26. September 2012
("Swell Creek" / "Soul Food"; CD):
("Swell Creek" / "Soul Food"; CD):
Here's the current album of this to me pretty new band from Germany, NEW HATE RISING, a band that I wanted to know already from of their earlier albums respectively their precursor full length release of this one here. But somehow I always missed it during 2011, due to the fucked up mess this year was personally for me, but when I saw their new album this March or so I really hadn't to think about it twice, I just grabbed it and then I allowed the album to blew me away heavily. This is no bullshit taking, not the talk talking but the walk walking, roughnecked, silverbacked, moshy, violent, metallic, hard and brutal Hardcore yet with a strong anthemic hymnal sing a long potential, a great clearly punky antisocial attitude and also a nicely self-ironical approach and even a lot people may disagree on this but personally to me especially the last points really give them a very own and very strong character and identity of their very own, and that's just great. If you like your Hardcore modern with knowing and staying true to its roots (or to name it New Old School Hardcore or also maybe Old New School Hardcore) and this to be located between TERROR, HATEBREED, FINAL PRAYER, BACKFIRE! and MADBALL then make sure that you know this guys in NEW HATE RISING, because you will truly love them, and you can calmly trust me upon this for sure. Brutal stunning and damn well-versed done and also nicely multi-layered skilled harsh and heavy guitar work, impressive through it all bombing drumming, massive brutal bass playing, and very charismatic aggressive and deep heavy throated shouted lead vocals, nicely backed up by loud, fat, broad and full gang shouts to back it all up. Great songwriting that also offers nice suprises in this thunderstorm of heavy brutal up to date old schoolish moshing Hardcore, and that's just even more great!!! My personal favorites are "BOUND BY LIFE" (that's awesome sing a long anthemic yet fucking massive hard and heavy Hardcore, thumbs up), "PARADISE CITY" (with a great let us call it tribute to the old GUNS'N'ROSES hymn of that name that we all know so well), "BACK ON THE ROAD" (catchy anthemic yet aggressive and brutal Hardcore at its best), and the mighty smashers "GRAVEMAKER", "ONE SOUND" and "YOUR CHOICE", as well as the skull and bones cracking title track, "PRAYER TO THE ASHES", by itself. And also the other and here by me not not mentioned tracks totally rule for sure. On top of it we get really a big bunch of damn cool and fucking good lyrics, and not to forget about the cool artwork and a great forceful peoduction sound that we get on top of it all. So what shall I say respectively write here anyhow more, this is a masterpiece album and for sure a must have for all the Hardcore roughnecks outta there. Great!!! Awesome!!! HARDCORE!!! FIST!!! (10 of 10 points)
New Hate Rising,
Record Reviews
Samstag, 22. September 2012
STRONG ISLAND BOOTBOYS - "PITBULL BREED" (American Oi! from the NYC on 7'' vinyl via "UNDER WATCHFUL EYES" in 2012)
("Under Watchful Eyes"; 7''):
("Under Watchful Eyes"; 7''):
I've posted some months ago a video of this great American Oi! band from out of the NYC that really convinced me heavily and that I came known to thanks to the almighty "THE U.S. OF Oi! OF SWEDEN" blog by Bernando where their "GUILTY" titled 2005 demo was uploaded for downloading. (Okay, for what else...) It was never ever released in a proper way before early 2012 when the to me beside this demo totally unknown "UNDER WATCHFUL EYES" record label finally released it in a proper way. I have not a single clou about this label, maybe it's a subdivision of "UNITED RIOT RECORDS" or so because that's the label that first was announced to finally release the stuff of the STRONG ISLAND BOOTBOYS but anyhow more I don't know or could I anyhow guess something more about it. But it's also anyway not that important after all, at least if you ask me. The STRONG ISLAND BOOTBOYS consisted out of members of FED UP!, BRASS KNUCKLE NEGOTIATION and AGGRESSIVE THREAT and had close ties to OFFENSIVE WEAPON, SKIN DISORDER and the almighty legends of OXBLOOD, if I understood it all at least a little bit correct. The band released the mentioned demo, shared members with FED UP! and played live and then broke up when a band member moved from the States to Chile. So they never ever got a proper release anyway, until 2012 when their "GUILTY" demo gets a 7'' (re-) release with the new title of "PITBULL BREED". And the only sad thing about it is that we probably will never ever get more by this strong great band. I really love this band and together with the (re-) release of the FRONTLINE SOLDIERS "THE OATH OF LOYALTY" 7'' at the end of 2011 this is one of the very best stuff in Oi! to come for a while, period. You love hard hitting brutal and heavy NYC Oi! in the tradition of OXBLOOD? Perfect! You also love Old School roughnecked silverbacked NYHC with a clear and strong Skinhead background like FED UP! and also WARZONE? Even more perfect! Dry throated harsh shouted lead vocals, backed up by full and loud back up chants, heavy roaring hard guitars, a excellent brutal shredding very present bass and military massive stunning drumming, hell a lot of great fist in the air sing a longs and nicely varying songwriting, and all done and delivered surely well-versed and truly very good, and also all coming with a strong own identity, and for this thumbs up high. Clear Hardcore influences melted into brutal no bullshit taking Oi! music, great and more than that. Battle scarred, violent and gladiatorial lyrics on top of it, coming on limited black vinyl (but I would guess that there had been other colored limited versions floating around), warpped in an awesome artwork and in a brilliant dirty, heavy, earthy and very strong by the bass marked and on the bass focussed production sound. I love this stuff!!! Don't know if there are any copies of it still around but anhow try everything to get it. Best songs are "UNITED SKINS", "PITBULL BEED" and "SCARED OF NO ONE", but also "GUILTY" and the "S.I.B.B. STOMP" are just through and through great tracks. Amazing American Oi! from the U.S. East Coast out of the streets of the NY and C!!! Get it!!! More than highly recommended!!! Cheers & Oi! Oi! Oi! (10 of 10 points)
![]() |
I love the artwork and it would also be a great tattoo motif. |
Record Reviews,
Strong Island Bootboys
Donnerstag, 20. September 2012
Eternia is here...
Just for the fun of it (as well as I really like the motifs) and to show respect to my heroes of youth (and now, of course... ;-) ...) and to pay tribute to my ''nerdyness''... Enjoy it!!! :D
*** The Overlord of Evil versus the Champ of Righteousness and Bravery ***
*** The Heroic Defenders in their ongoing battle against the Evil Warriors ***
Mittwoch, 19. September 2012
WOLF DOWN - "RENEGADES" (Political Vegan Straight Edge Hardore from Germany + Download Link)
(Four songs, ten minutes.)
("Disarmare DIY Collective"; 7'' + "D.I.Y."; MP3-Download):
(Four songs, ten minutes.)
("Disarmare DIY Collective"; 7'' + "D.I.Y."; MP3-Download):
Here's the new and with this also the second one by Germany's WOLF DOWN, the political motivated Vegan Straight Edge roughnecks. I've reviewed their precursor and if I remember it correct first output some months ago and here's their newest one. Released as a 7'' with download code via the to me pretty unknown "DISARMARE DIY COLLECTIVE" as well as a official for free MP3-Download by the band itself at their Bandcamp site. Don't ask me why they handle it all this way. I just have the MP3-Download, and so with this it will also be pretty much the last "online release" I review up here for the next time because after this one I will mostly focuss on the in the ''General Informations'' post two days ago mentioned albums so far. So, back to the topic, WOLF DOWNs "RENEGADES", and I will keep it short. Not a bad record at all but to me personally a huge step back, because it's all very equal, the songs just sound to much the same, same pace and same rhythm and same structure, if it wouldn't be for the guitars it would be a total let down and beside the great title track all songs are basically just mid paced stompers especially for the windmilling violent dancers out there. Even this now may sound pretty harsh, but if you are really deep into Hardcore for a while now already then you will notice not that much of an identity here anymore and so it's also if you take the songwriting and the songarrangements a step back for WOLF DOWN, even the guitar work is really strong and improved even a lot and so often the riffing really shines and prevents together with the very skilled and charimatic brutal shouted female lead vocals this release from falling completly down. Throw WALLS OF JERICHO, REBORN TO CONQUER and ALL OUT WAR into the mix, mix it up, but expect not too much, and then go and find what WOLF DOWN deliver today... I am disappointed from this album and hope that the band rightens the wrong again with the next one... but maybe it's just me, who knows, because if you like today's sterotypical mid paced windmilling down beating violent dancing approved metallic Hardcore then this might be your holy grail for today... Good couraged and motivated politically charged lyrics again, a good and very bulky and beefy production sound as well and a cover artwork that is as boring as most of the songs up here... (6 of 10 points)
Record Reviews,
xWolf Downx
SHADE OF MANKIND - "SONGS THOU SHALL WORSHIP" (Brazilian apocapytic Crustcore on the path to its roots + Download Link)
(Six songs, thirteen minutes.)
("D.I.Y."; MP3-Download):
(Six songs, thirteen minutes.)
("D.I.Y."; MP3-Download):
And here it is, the new album by SHADE OF MANKIND and Rodrigo a.k.a. Rod Hellion is paying with this one tribute to some of his most favorite and most important bands. This was announced already for quite a while and it's also already some months out but I just get now to it because earlier I simply didn't get it done. But after this album is (and I think also soleley) released as a MP3-Download there are no limitations to be feared. And this is pretty good, because if you ask me any fan of extreme and intense, dark, sinister and truly evil, brutal, aggressive and for sure damn dirty and noisy and sick and twisted musick really needs to have this. SHADE OF MANKIND paying tribute to the almighty INTEGRITY and CRO-MAGS, to the legendary AMEBIX and EYE HATE GOD, to the great NASUM and the totally weird IMPALED NAZARENE. And as strange it now may sound, I think somewhere between these bands and styles you can really find and locate SHADE OF MANKIND by their very own, combining Crustcore/Crustpunk and Grindcore with Sludge Core reminiscenes, (especially but not only Holy Terror) Hardcore influences and brutal and fast (partially blackened) twisted Death Metal, and so you know now what you get: Brutal, dity, distorted and aggressive, sinister guitars, thundering and crushing drums and incredible evil and heavy shredding bass, and on top of it Rod Hellion's totally sick and weird, brutal and deep guttural screamed and shouted damn charismatic lead vocals, on top of it also some nice suprises like just for example in the mighty AMEBIX cover tune to be recognized. All delivered by skilled musicians and all damn hard and incredible harsh and with a sinister, dark, and psychotic atmosphere. Great!!! And SHADE OF MANKIND really make out of the cover songs their very own stuff, yet still sticking to the original character of each single song. And so we get "PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE" by INTEGRITY, "HARD TIMES" by the CRO-MAGS, IMPALED NAZARENEs "WE'RE SATAN GENERATION", NASUMs "FANATSIEBILDER", "CHAIN REACTION" of AMEBIX and "SISTERFUCKER" by EYE HATE GOD. All done really strong, for sure, with my personal favorites being the INTEGRITY, CRO-MAGS, AMEBIX and EYE HATE GOD cover tunes. The IMPALED NAZARENE cover is also done really good (and I like it even far more than the original one), but I simply can't arrange myself with the weirdos from Finland anyhow that much anyway and the NASUM one is also in its original form not a fave of mine by this great Grindcore masters but still done good by SHADE OF MANKIND. Most of the bands would have failed in doing cover tunes of the here honored bands, but where the rest fails the best conquer and SHADE OF MANKIND really conquered!!! The lyrics are kept original (for all what I got), and the cover artwork is brilliant. The production sound is very dirty and distorted and varys from song to song more or less a little bit, but is a great underground statement. I love this band and so also this record and I can't wait for the next one to come. Great shit!!! Get it!!! (9 of 10 points)
Record Reviews,
Shade Of Mankind
HARBRINGER - "SLUMGULLIAN" & "OPINION NATION" (Hardcore from West Palm Beach, Florida/U.S.A. the DIY way in 2010 & 2012 + Download Links)
Okay folks, next up are HARBRINGER with their for what I know two current releases, titled "SLUMGULLIAN" from 2010 and "OPINION NATION" from 2012. I didn't know this band before some days ago, a week or so I guess, I stumbled upon their Bandcamp site when I was surfing the web a little bit and got their two demos that they offer up there for free as a official download. The artworks of their releases really grabbed me and got their hold on me and so I donwloaded the stuff. And after Hardcore was and is always high up on my list also this, the fact that HARBRINGER are a Hardcore band, couldn't hurt my plans of doing so, of downloading it. The band hails from out of the gutters of West Palm Beach, Florida/U.S.A. and for all what I know to date they put out this releases that I will review by now for you and I think so that this two albums are their only albums put out so far, and I have not a single clou if there are or ever had been physical copies of them floating around, but I pretty much think so. So that's it for this introduction talking, and so here we go, HARBRINGER, Hardcore from West Palm Beach, Florida/U.S.A., kick your ass!!!
(Six songs, thirteen minutes.)
("D.I.Y."; MP3-Download):
The first (?) output ever by HARBRINGER, recorded and then released by the 15th of July of 2010 by the band itself, giving us about six tracks at all in all in all about thirteen minutes. Metallic trashing Hardcore full of crunchy and crispy bulky and beefy massive guitar riffing enriched by cool leads and well-placed and well-timed solos, charismatic brutal full and proper shouted lead vocals, powerful through bombing bass work and sheer brutal and forceful slamming and stomping dumming and also some fat pissed off crew back up shouting chants on top of it. The guys really know how to play and their songwriting is just great, with a lot of clever changes of the rhythm, structure and pace, and with that they really grab you and keep it interesting, and that you can go nuts slam dancin' all over the place on this like fuck should be clear by now as well. They also follow a very characteristic way, somewhere between 1990's metallic Hardcore, Old School NYHC and some sort of newer ''thug-ish'' Hardcore, somewhere between xSTRIFEx, WARZONE, MADBALL, SHEER TERROR and the NORTH SIDE KINGS and BARCODE, and this all already very stand-alone. Great!!! On top of it we get a brilliant artwork that also showcases some Skinhead or Skinhead Hardcore background to it, very good lyrics (not part of the download, but you get them sooner or later when you listen aware to them) and a brilliant earthy and heavy production sound. A total bomb that left me hungy for more. HARDCORE!!! FIST!!! (10 of 10 points)
(Three songs, eight minutes.)
("D.I.Y."; MP3-Download):
Here's the curren release of HARBRINGER, their second (?) demo carrying the title of "OPINION NATION", released at the 1st of January of 2012 (even the Bandcamp site names for what reasons ever 2013 instead of 2012... maybe they used a time machine or so...) and with this HARBRINGER serve and deliver us three new songs in about eight minutes at all. And what shall I say, maybe just: Why the hell this amazing band still don't have a record deal?!? I can't understand it!!! Every cheap crap smelly and slimy fart is sold these days as the next big thing, especially in Hardcore with this overwhelming flood of several subgenres and the incredible amount of bands, records and labels behind it, and when there's finally a great fresh young new band around that refuses to jump on any trend crap then all the oh so proud self proclaimed Hardcore die hards refuse to give them a fair try, it totally sucks and shows how dumb this whole bastards are, no matter if we talk about pseudo and wanna be ''Tough Guys'' and their more and more lame and dull and boring becoming Betadown stuff or if we talk about the PC AFA Vegan SxE Fraction or what and whom the fuck else ever... you ignorant wanna be Hardcore die hard elite guys make me sick!!! Okay, enough of me being an old angry grumpy guy ranting about and against new trends and back to the topic, the "OPINION NATION" titled second (?) demo by HARBRINGER from West Palm Beach, Florida/U.S.A., and so here we go: They haven't changed their style or attitude and stayed true to their selves and their musick, they just enriched it and cultivated it to deliver again one hell of a great fresh Hardcore blast assault. Skull smashing guitars, bone cracking bass, military war like drumming, brutal charismatic shouting, fat gang shouts and one hell of a lot of suprises, like brilliant trashing metallic guitar solos and just damn great songwriting all delivered by damn skilled musicians. Still doing their very own thing somewhere between xSTRIFEx, WARZONE, MADBALL, SHEER TERROR, NORTH SIDE KINGS and BARCODE and also coming with a slight Holy Terror Hardcore influence in it this time so that fans of bands like from IN COLD BLOOD to REBORN TO CONQUER should take a interested listen as well. Again also very strong lyrics, and just a great cover artwork and production sound as well. What should I say more, this is pure gold, second by second. HARDCORE!!! FIST!!! (10 of 10 points)
Okay, folks, that's it all for now and I just hope that finally someone please give this guys a good and fair, a proper record deal, because they really do more than deserve it, period. ANd now just get the downloads and go ramapge on HARBRINGER. Cheers & Oi! HARDCORE!!! FIST!!!
Record Reviews
NECROSED - "PROMO 2012" (Grinding Brutal Death Metal from Almeira, Spain + MP3-Download - Link @ Bandcamp)
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Record Reviews
Montag, 17. September 2012
Not much free time for blogging...
Hey folks, currently it's a little bit (let us say) relaxed up here, due to the fact that over the last nearly two weeks now I simply didn't find that much free time to spend up here for blogging. A lot is waiting in the pipeline to come up here finally and I really hope that from this week on I will be able to find the time to change things again. A lot of new albums waiting to be reviewed, and after I did over the last months especially reviews of "online releases" sent to me and so on and was in a hurry and in a trouble to get it all done somehow more or less in time I decided to cut this now and finish first the releases that are waiting now partially already some months ago to be reviewed up here. So the singles of the STRONG ISLAND BOOTBOYS and of LIGHT YOUR ANCHOR will be reviewed soon, as well as albums from AS I LAY DYING to RUNNING WILD and from BIOHAZARD to ONESTA will be finally reviewed as well up here by me for you. Also the new releases of I AM REVENGE, SUFFER THE PAIN and HORRIBLE x HANGOVER as well as the demo of DIS.AGREE will be up hopefully pretty soon. And especially a very big THANKS to Stefan/SUFFER THE PAIN and Miguel/HORRIBLE x HANGOVER (and WARKRUSHER) for sending me their new demos, THANKS guys, you're great!!! Also a interview with WARKRUSHER is currently in the work, more or less, after I just got the time to just settle the loose frame of it together by now, but it's in the work anyhow. And if I got my ass up also a interview with DEATH WILL SCORE will maybe come one more or less soon day. So Grindcore and Hardcore would be the next orders of the day in case of the ''Interviews'' department up here. The ''American Oi! History Series'' will also be continued, be curious about it. The ''Sports'' postings will be pretty sure continued with a review on the this years "MR. O." and a tribute to its victor. The supplement check up will also come for sure in the next time, as well as maybe something else different more. Fanzines, hm, there are only the current issues of the "OX FANZINE" and the "PLASTIC BOMB FANZINE" waiting in the pipeline. Will also come in the next week or so. Also a bunch of several different movies will be reviewed in the future, from thrashy stuff like "100 MILLION B.C." and "ALIEN VS. ZOMBIES - THE DARK LURKING" to big ones like "INGLORIOUS BASTERDS" some stuff is waiting in the pipeline. After I was over this year already again enjoying a lot of different live concerts there would be enough stuff to write about in the ''Gig Reports'' section, but still I am not that much excited about doing so and so I guess that the next ''Gig Report'' will still take some time before it comes up here to read some far away day. Especially after in the near future the focus will not be exlusive but anyhow pretty strong on doing finally the above mentioned reviews of records. So, you see, a lot is waiting. But currently I have a lot to do at and with work, as well as with my sports (aiming at maybe competing next year), and then there's also first and foremost my girlfriend and we're looking for a new appartment and much more, and also a lot of other stuff like this and so you see, not much free time and the little free time I simply didn't want to spend infront of my computer with blogging so much over the last two weeks but I will change this again pretty soon and maybe also already with and from this week on, at least so it's planned, and we will see what happens. Anyhow thanks for your interest. Cheers!!!
General Informations
Sonntag, 16. September 2012
HELLFROST - "APOCALYPTIC FROSTPUNK" (German Old School Death Metal Punk + Download Link)
("Tropical Peace Punk Tapes"; Tape & "D.I.Y."; MP3-Download):
("Tropical Peace Punk Tapes"; Tape & "D.I.Y."; MP3-Download):
Some nice or better evil and grim total Old School Death Metal with a strong mean Punk touch to it is coming here by this Old School Death Metal Punks from Germany. If you take a look at the name, HELLFROST, you could already got it... HELLHAMMER and CELTIC FROST!!! That shall mean now that HELLFROST play a sound on the total Old School side of the Death territory of Metal that is very minimalistic and (in a positive way) simple and reduced and completely straight ahead and forward going with a strong heavy hard Punk flavor to it. Mix HELLHAMMER with the early CELTIC FROST and if you are also familiar with some very few notes hailing out of the "SEVEN CHURCHES" by POSSESSED and maybe some very, very few "AT WAR WITH SATAN" being VENOM marks as well you will also be totally into the stuff that HELLFROST are doing here. Also if you are familiar with and also like the more prominent new breed of such musick like the great WARHAMMER and maybe also some few SCEPTER you will also like HELLFROST as well for sure, trust me upon this. Yes, this is totally Old School also pretty heavy Retro and beside this all also very strongly punky Death Metal delivered by nasty and dirty shredding guitars, angry sawing bass, rumbling fast paced slightly D-Beat styled caveman drums and throaty hard shouted lead vocals. Nothing fancy, nothing trendy, nothing catchy, nothing anyhow new or so and also nothing for the ones used to high standard production values of so called Brutal Death (Metal) out there, but Old School Death Metal Punks will love it. And even if they are totally retro, they managed it somehow to convince me and I really enjoy this angry madmen in HELLFROST. What I think is also pretty cool is the fact that they really stick ''true'' to the deal with also using ''evil'' artists names with lots of warrior's and such stuff in it. They know the deal, they do the deal. Released as a tape via "TPPT", limited to 50 copies (and maybe already pretty much sold out), as well as a MP3-D.I.Y.-Download by the band itself at their bandsite. Nice lyrics (and yes, for sure you get what you know may already expect), totally reduced, noisy and dirty buzzing authentic production sound and a truly great demon styled frosty and apocalyptical artwork on top of it. Even they can't match up to a band like WARHAMMER this one here anyhow is anyway: Recommended, at least to all Old School Death Metal Punks outta there, period. (8 of 10 points)
Record Reviews
Montag, 10. September 2012
BEN PAKULSKI - The IFBB Pro Bodybuilding Machine from Toronto, Ontario/Canada
Hey folks, next post is coming right in through, and this one is a very prompt new ''Sports'' post, again staying in the department of IFBB Pro Bodybuilding. Like I've written in the precusor post, the tribute to show respect and pay honour to the (al-) mighty ZACK "KING" KHAN, the ultimate muscle super mass mutant from out of the Hardcore Underground dephts of the U.K., this time it's a tribute post to another young and promising Bodybuilding beast that holds a lot of potential and promises a lot for the future, no one else than the weight lifting and iron pumping intellectual as well as passionated Bodybuilding Machine from the heights of Canada, BEN PAKULSKI. Before we now go deeper into it let me say some few general words to this very month and the happening of the greatest and biggest and most important stages of them all, the "IFBB MISTER OLYMPIA" in Las Vegas. So here we go with it...
... and damn it, what shall I say, I am very fucking curious about it!!! So damn curious!!! All signs are up that PHIL HEATH is about to defend his title and take the SANDOW for a second time with him. After all the writings over the last year it would be more than a suprise when "their" chosen golden boy isn't doing it all again... Okay, that may sound now a little bit "dodgy" or "shady" or "offending" but anyhow, it's my opinion and I don't care what you may think of it... But we will see and that he's a GREAT athlete anyway anyhow shouldn't be doubted at all by anyone and isnt't doubted by me as well, just to get this clear and set this straight right from the start here and now. But anyhow, maybe it all isn't that clear as well... I am curious about what package the through and through almighty and already legendary BRANCH WARREN brings up on stage (even I think it's somehow pretty clear that the current ruling "ARNOLD CLASSIC" champ won't take the SANDOW as well, the two major IFBB titles won't be taken by the same person... not at least because a living legend like RONNIE COLEMAN only comes around once a century or so), and also it will be damn exciting what KAI GREENE will be able to present in Las Vegas in about two or three weeks from now on. Do he have what it takes to triumph at the SANDOW stage? I think he has it ALL!!! Will he do so?!? Don't know it, maybe read above... But anyway it will be very interesting and fascinating, for sure. Especially if he manages it to go on top shape on stage right from the first minute and if he then also keeps this shape up over the distance of the competition. We will see, and I think we al can be exicted if not electrified about it. JAY CUTLER won't compete again (at least this very year) after all what I've read recently (but anyway he's on the official roster and promotion poster as well, I don't know about it...), what's a pity but maybe he's also really getting too old these days to keep up the competition with younger guys of today, I don't know. (But just to get this clear, I think he's one of the greatest guys in this sport ever, point and fact.) Hm, but maybe I'm totally wrong with it and this or latest next year he will be blasting us all away with his presence at the "MISTER OLYMPIA" and taking his fifth SANDOW with him, who knows... And I'm also incredible curious what DENNIS WOLF will be able to do this year!!! One of the very best guys of today and still I think he can do it... and he will do it one day, period. He was so close to win the "ARNOLD CLASSIC" this very year, just beaten by a incredible strong returned BRANCH WARREN. But if he keeps his package in this phenomenal shape and if he maybe also still used to stand up still a little bit more improved and developed over the last months on the stage in Las Vegas then the world could really stop for a moment to turn and all is possible. Get them DENNIS!!! Also the "MR. OLYMPIA" debut of LIONEL BEYEKE could be a very exciting affair. Even I think he won't do anything all oh to special... but we will see... JOHNNIE JACKSON and RONNY ROCKEL promise also a lot and if especially JOHNNIE builded up his legs and kept his other shape that he used to have and showcased in Essen, Germany this year at the FIBO he could present a nearly complete package. And don't we forget DEXTER JACKSON. What about him? Will "THE BLADE" finally come back in premium shape at the biggest stage of them all?!? Then it all could be turned upside down. Oh, and how this would be great. And don't we forget the mighty young upcoming strong going force from the north, Ontario's BEN PAKULSKI, the man who's now in the focus point of this very post, and his appearence in Las Vegas on the biggest stage of them all. After all, I don't know what will come, and after all and just to underline it and point it out again, I am also very excited anyhow what PHIL HEATH by himself will bring to the table, the man they call the "aesthetic freak" and that is known as "the gift"... We will see... and I can't wait for it finally to happen soon. What ever will be the outcome, it will be just damn great. Are you excited like I am excited? How could you not!!! And when it's about this very blog you're reading currently through up here then be prepared for more ''Sports'' to come up here latest after the "MR. O. 2012"!!! And now it's time to finally start with the tribute post to BEN PAKULSKI, so here we finally go again up here...
So to start with here and now we will start as usual with some biographical data, but before we do so some words about his presence over this very year. He- which means BEN or (just to name his full real life name) BENJAMIN PAKUSLKI- got a big support through the "FLEX MAGAZINE" (at least in the german issues of this magazine), with a lot of articles about him and with answering to a huge amount of readers questions as well as showcasing and presenting his own workout as well as nutrition and supplement agenda, his "MI40" system (later on in this post I will tell you at least a little bit more about it, calm down), to the readers, and also he played the incredible Hulk for the "MUSCLE & FITNESS" magazine in some issue of this very year (at least over here in Germany). A huge support but with looking at his very own development this very year a more than justified support and I am really excited what he will do the next year as well as this very year when he will be attending the "MR. O." as a competetive, but, just by the way, I always thought and still think that he should have won the this years "FLEX PRO" instead of the by far overrated LIONEL BEYEKE (who also got a incredible push over this year in the "FLEX MAGAZINE", again at least over here in Germany in the german issues of it, even this is something that I can't fully understand compared to guys like BEN PAKULSKI himself or ZACK "KING" KHAN, but maybe it's just me...) but okay, anyhow, that's how life goes. So he really jumped into my focus this very year and this for many more than good and justified reasons. And also his physiques really went through the roof, not at least are maybe his legs the very best and most extreme ones since TOM PLATZ (maybe), and so not at least this development is the reason why I think that BEN PAKLUSKI, the IFBB Pro Bodybuilding Machine from Ontario in Canada, is side by side with the (al-) mighty ZACK "KING" KHAN the very best of the young and upcoming guys in the IFBB Pro Bodybuilding league with the biggest promise in store for the next years. And so this is why this tribute post to him is coming up here to read so quickly after the tribute to ZACK "KING" KHAN and as the second post after the (let us call it) relaunch of the postings of the ''Sports'' category up here, and so now you can finally read it here and now. So, onward we go: BEN PAKULSKI was born at the 18th of March the year of 1981 in the city of Toronto in Ontario, Canada. He used to grow up as a very ''sporty'' respectively atheletic child and being curious about any sports he just could anyhow do. Around the age of 15 he finally should start to go in the weight room and pump iron with some of his best friends at this time. He was already a teenager athlete on a pretty high level when he felt the testosterone rush in and maybe due to his genetics as well as his very athletic background or just because he did far more and far harder work than the other guys he grew very fast and especially in contrast to his friends he was doing the iron pumping with at this time. Soon this huge development got noticed very much by the people and beside the fact that this reaction of the people gave him some good feelings he also felt that his over all athletic potential grew very strong. Something that made him feel even more euphoric. It was also around one day this time that he discovered the "FLEX MAGAZINE" for the first time, the legend goes that on the cover of the first issue he ever bought and/or read was the legendary NASSER EL-SONBATY and BEN PAKULSKI by himself should have said back then that he never wanted to become that big... Time changes you over the years right?!? But anyhow since then he became a more or less regulary reader of the "FLEX MAGAZINE" especially to get the newest informations on workout exercises and nutrition and supplements. (And this is still a very good and really justified reason for all of us into the iron sports to read the queen of Bodybuilding magazines, the "FLEX MAGAZINE".) After a year or so with doing Fitness sports he archieved what is called the "MEN'S HEALTH" look (you know it), but he wasn't satisfied with it and it wasn't what he was seeking to find and to archieve and so he stepped into the world of Hardcore Pumping Iron when he joined the local Hardcore/Underground Gym and started with REAL (!!!) Bodybuilding. There he joined two brothers that used to set the standard in this very gym in their training schedule and over the next year hew grew on again quite impressive, but with still being nowhere near the two brothers and especially nowhere near where he stands today. This all used to awake his desire and passion and love for training, for squatting, for deadlifting, for pumping. The two brothers, Vic and Dan, still train hard today, having families with children, but still feel this burning fire for training and archieving results, and they are still known to and a still a very big inspiration for BEN PAKULSKI. Also one of his first and strongest inspirations had been his dad and his stories of his impressive strengthful legs and shoulders when he was younger and so "little" BEN was out to emulate his father. Also old guys at the gym and their lessons and workout wisdom used to be very important for him. And so he also got aware of the fact that building strong, big, muscular and massive legs, a strong base, a strong core with this, is the most important and most forceful approach for pumping iron, and so he did squats over squats, something, which means the lessons about the strong base and the hard leg workouts with squats as the key excercise, is something most of the guys in most of the gyms out there have totally forgotten about today or never knew it anyway. (Or just refuse to do it because squats "kill" you every time you do them and the leg work out days are always the hardest to come.) After two hard years of very hard and intense training when he was seventeen years old BEN finally should take his father with him to the gym to demonstrate his squats to him. BEN was training in the "MACKS GYM" in Toronto at this time and was doing three sets of squats with 405lbs. for three sets of eight, while he was weighing 175lbs. at this moment. His father was very impressed and should finally arrange for him a training deal with Canadas most influential and well-reputated Bodybuilding coach SCOTT ABEL at this time. After four years of heavy, heavy training with SCOTT he was grown from 175lbs. aetheltic kid to a huge grown muslce building machinery of 250lbs. with around twenty one. SCOTT ABEL was very important for BEN PAKULSKI, especially his three most important advices of being dilligent with his training, log books over books, and for fucks sake never ever miss one single meal (maybe the very most improtant lesson in Bodybuilding that all of us simply have to know and follow... even that's also the hardest one, at least personally for me... I sometimes really hate eating that amount of as "clean" as possible food and with feeling that my stomache never ever really gets a free minute out of work... but that's the price we have to pay). But even more important that SCOTT ABEL should become (the late) TOM HALL (a, so the legend goes, undefeated or never defeated IFBB Pro... you know him anyhow I guess) for BEN PAKULSKI. TOM told him all the rights and all the wrongs, all the do's and all the dont's inside and outside the gym, teaching him the importance of doing every excerice as totally precise and correct as possible to archieve all what's possible to archieve from out of the biomechanical demandments, showed him to eat correct and proper like a real Bodybuilder and told him why to do so. And when BEN was around eighteen years old it was TOM who got him his first "MUSCLETECH" supplement sponsoring contract. Three weeks after BENs first ever Bodybuilding show in 2005 TOM should pass away on the first of October, without seeing BEN ever compete after he had to stay away from BENs first show due to some family affair. BENs next show three weeks after he passed away was supposed to be the first show for him to see him live up on stage flexing his muscles. Even it was maybe the hardest show ever for BEN PAKULSKI he did the show anyhow, and all shows he did following this one he dedicated to TOM HALL. You may can also say, that it was TOM HALL who used to do the foundamental ground works on that BEN PAKULSKI used to build his own sientifical biomechanical approach to Bodybuilding. Today BEN PAKULSKI lives and pumps in Tampa Bay, Florida/USA.
I've already said that the approach of BEN PAKULSKI that he also worked out very detailed and precise in his "MI40" named training system is a very scientifical biomechanical one, maybe upbuilded on the foundament that the work with TOM HALL back then in BENs younger days created. And BEN should take it all to the graduation level with graduating in Kinesiology at the University of Western Ontario with an honors degree. He graduated with an Honors Kinesiology Degree, Economics Minor. His post graduation work then should take him finally all across the globe to work together with some of the best scientists in performance nutrition, excercise physiology and biomecahnics (which means the study of human movements). So after this all it won't make anyone wonder that BEN PAKULSKI and his very intelligent approach to Bodybuilding, Sports, nutrition and supplements should take him around the whole world and also on the coverpictures of mostly every important and prominent Bodybuilding, Fitness Sports and Sports and Nutrition/Supplements magazines in general. He should became some sort of a role model for Bodybuilding and Fitness enthusiats all over across the globe, and in that he takes a lot of pride. And today, like I've already written somewhere above, he is also a regular writer in the highly reputated "FLEX MAGAZINE". And while BEN is filled with a incredible strong fire for fitness and life he says above himself, that he is nothing and no one else than a lifelong student of fitness and nutrition by his very own respectively on its own or so. And like I've also already mentioned, his scientific biomechanical background lead him to work out his very own "MI40" training system when it's about pumping iron. It's a pretty complex system with a yet clear approach. He is introducing his "MI40" System on his webpages, in his "FLEX" columns and articles and on DVD's and as a personal trainer and online coach and the success of his training system is pretty impressive and it's already pretty popular. The difference to other popular and well-known as well as well-reputated training systems of today like the "Y3T" or the "FST-7" is simply, at least for what I understood, the fact that it's a by far more complete approach that's heading far more further than just aiming at the training at the gym and that is putting nutrition and recovery in the focus of it all and after BEN is a very outspoken one he also declares freely that it is a system for juicy Pro Bodybuilders as well juicy amateurs and non-juicy amateurs, it works out in every case (at least that's what he by his own says about it). Okay, even he also does promote his own system (and he does so very well) and with this securing his own income after he is a Pro Bodybuilder that also makes his cash as Personal Trainer, as a Online Coach and as a Sports/Fitness/Bodybuilding "scientist", the whole reputation of him as a person, as a trainer and as graduate is by far too high as well as also the reputation of his system is, so that you make it yourself by far too easy when you say that it's just a promotional affair of him for cashing in some extra bucks. And when it's about nutrition the "MI40" System offers a whole lot more than just that eat more protein approach to grow, and when it's about training it also shows a different approach than just that lift heavy weights for more muscle mass... even when I have to admit that after I tried several different approaches by my own I personally finally came back to "my" Blood & Guts approach and will stick with it after it definitely brought me the biggest success, but that's just a personal (self-) experience and has nothing to do with the "MI40" System because especially the aspects of nutrition and recovery are really great new knowledge to archieve for I think so the very most of us out there. I think he offers also online services with or for his "MI40" System so just check it out if you want to, and an interesting and fascinating approach it is for sure. He also offers Online Coaching as well as he does Seminars and Public Speaking. And anyhow, you should know by now that BEN PAKULSKI is everything but your ordinary Bodybuilder, period.
When it's all about competition, there's also already quite some interesting stuff about BEN PAKULSKI to tell, so here we go with this topic...: His competition history in Bodybuilding started back then in 2005 when he won the overall title at his very first show ever. From then on he took step by step and finally being the unrivaled victor in 2008 when he won the "CANADIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS" in Montreal, Quebec with taking the overall victory and also archieving the Pro card and becoming an IFBB Pro Bodybuilder from that day on. In 2009 he scored in at rank no. # 3 at his first IFBB Pro Bodybuilding competition show in Tampa, Florida/USA, the "TAMPA PRO" (if I got it right), and if you ask me that's a petty good starting point for a proper Pro career in the IFBB. In 2010 he then took the 7th ranked place at the high reputated "NY PRO", heading over for doing more shows, display a stronger presence, making more experiences and earning more respect and experience in 2011. So in February 2011 he scored in ranked no. # 5 at th "FLEX PRO", to go then to the "ARNOLD CLASSIC" in March 2011 and get their the 10th ranked position to head over to the "AUSTRALIA PRO" to archieve the 4th place there, also in March 2011, and finally finishing the year with this and concentrating on 2012 to score in ranked no. # 2 in February 2012 at the "FLEX PRO" where he definitely should have taken the victory by any means, and with making it up to a impressive position rank no. # 4 in March 2012 at the "ARNOLD CLASSIC" at where I personally saw him ranked no. # 3 behind the unbeatable duo of BRANCH WARREN and DENNIS WOLF this night, and from that the signs are up for bigger things to happen in the near future of IFBB Pro Bodybuilding for BEN PAKULSKI. Today he's sponsored by "ALLMAX NUTRITION" as his main sponsor. His stats data (if still nearly current) says: Height = 5'10" / Contest Weight = 255lbs. / Off-Season Weight = 300lbs. / Arms = 21" / Thighs = 32" / Calves = 22" / Waist = 34" / 19,5". That's it for now, but trust me when I say that BEN PAKULSKI is just getting started and is aiming at becoming one of the most dominant forces in the future of IFBB Pro Bodybuilding, so stay tuned for more of him to come. And keep on pumping hard, no pain, no gain!!!
So, okay, that's it for this very one here and now, what will be next in the ''Sports'' category I don't know by now, but I will come for sure sooner than later, and I think more sooner than later. If there will come a post before the "MR. O." then it will be pretty sure a "legends" post (yes, I think so) or a post about a current guys not competig at the "MR. O." (like, for example, FOUAD ABIAD), but not about a guy taking part at the "MR. O.", because with this posts I will wait for after the this years "MR. O." because everything else would not make that much sense after all. And so now with the end of this post you get as well still some video clips of BEN PAKULSKI and after this I will give you also the links to all the posts paying tribute to IFBB Pro Bodybuilders up here so far. That's it for now, hopefully you enjoyed reading this post, thanks very much for your interest. Keep pumping!!!
And now the promised respectively mentioned video clips:
BEN PAKULSKI - Deadlifts for the "MR.O." 2012
BEN PAKULSKI - Work out @ the legendary "GOLDS GYM" in Venice, CA/USA
BEN PAKULSKI - Leg Work Out Day
BEN PAKULSKI - Hardcore Work Out with ZACK "KING" KHAN
And now finally the links to all the IFBB Pro Bodybuilding tribute posts so far up here:
More will be coming soon!!!
Ben Pakulski,
Samstag, 8. September 2012
The almighty LOU FERRIGNO finally on "MANSLAUGHTER THUG LIFE", and he's telling it like it was, is and will always be for Thugs like us...
Hey folks!!! Everything's fine?!? I hope so. Ah, can't wait to go finally tomorrow evening dancing to SKA finally again!!! Hm, but that's not the topic here and now, so okay, here we go... Just a little fun post for tonight before I will go to bed in the next few time. By the way, I discovered this evening the cool HELLFROST, damn fuckin' cool totally Old School Death Metal Punk in the tradition of HELLHAMMER and old and early CELTIC FROST, as well as some POSSESSED and of course WARHAMMER and they really gave me a blast and so stay tuned for the review of their current demo coming soon up here for you. And now back to this post!!! A funny picture of the almighty LOU FERRIGNO (will some day in the future get a proper tribute post up here) as a young child telling it like it is, like the story went, goes and will always be for real Thugs like us... :D
The young "Thug" of the name LOU FERRIGNO who should later gave life to the incredible Hulk!!!
And here you now get a nice little video of LOU "THE HULK" FERRIGNO fighting a bear, so watch it and beleve your eyes!!!
*** HULK vs. BEAR ***
Lou Ferrigno,
Freitag, 7. September 2012
SHARP Oi! from out of the Russian Federation: KIDS OF THE STREETS - ''DISCOGRAPHY'' so far... feat. "Oi! FOR THE REBELS" (2009), "UNDER ATTACK" (2010) & "GET OFF!" (2011) and this all + Download Links @ Bandcamp
("D.I.Y."; MP3-Downloads):
Okay folks, now up are the KIDS OF THE STREETS, formed back then in 2008, rocking from out of Russia!!! This is a band that I discovered over the last weeks, while they had been unknown to me before, a really heavy and hard hitting Oi! band from the cold concrete of the Russian Federation, roaring out of the city of Voskresensk, and they gave us their so far for all what I know mostly complete discography officially for free up to download @ their Bandcamp site. When I stumbled upon this Band when surfing through the web for some exciting new stuff finally also from out of the Oi! department again they were totally unknown to me. Maybe I've read their bandname in some mailorder or distro lists or maybe even in some fanzines over the last years but I can't swear that and also, hey, let's face it, the band name isn't that creative at all so even if I've read it somewhere I simply wouldn't know if that was this band from Russia. Okay, anyhow, because finally now I know them. After the cover artwork of their "UNDER ATTACK" full length album really caught my attention I took a more intense look at them and I discovered an outspoken, anti-fascist, pretty anti-capitalistic and anti-racist battle scarred gladiatorial and well thought through and also musically very hard hitting Oi! band from out of the SHARP department. And what I discovered I really liked and I still like damn much, lyrically very much as well as for sure and also first and foremost musically. And, by the way, to stand opposed and make a stand against the infectious and retarded Nazi poison is always a good thing anyhow!!! And some stupid mindless AFA-worshipping I also can't see, in contrast to most of the so called SHARP or RASH bands from (especially) Germany, for example, and this is very good as well. Hm, if there are any physical copies of the reviewed releases are still somewhere out there floating around I don't know. Just write the band @ http://www.facebook.com/kidsofthestreets and ask them. Also they have released a brandnew album, titled "BURN IT DOWN" or something so like this, just that you know it. Hm, and thinking about it I would wish to have their stuff here also on a proper CD or LP version (and not just as a MP3-Download) and their new album should also be very interesting. Hm, so I guess I will contact them some day by myself as well. So here with this very post I now will give you reviews of mostly all the so far released stuff of KIDS OF THE STREETS (beside their brandnew current album) in a chronological running order from 2009 to 2011, and so now here we go!!! Ladies and gentlemen, now here they come and are, the reviews:
Okay folks, now up are the KIDS OF THE STREETS, formed back then in 2008, rocking from out of Russia!!! This is a band that I discovered over the last weeks, while they had been unknown to me before, a really heavy and hard hitting Oi! band from the cold concrete of the Russian Federation, roaring out of the city of Voskresensk, and they gave us their so far for all what I know mostly complete discography officially for free up to download @ their Bandcamp site. When I stumbled upon this Band when surfing through the web for some exciting new stuff finally also from out of the Oi! department again they were totally unknown to me. Maybe I've read their bandname in some mailorder or distro lists or maybe even in some fanzines over the last years but I can't swear that and also, hey, let's face it, the band name isn't that creative at all so even if I've read it somewhere I simply wouldn't know if that was this band from Russia. Okay, anyhow, because finally now I know them. After the cover artwork of their "UNDER ATTACK" full length album really caught my attention I took a more intense look at them and I discovered an outspoken, anti-fascist, pretty anti-capitalistic and anti-racist battle scarred gladiatorial and well thought through and also musically very hard hitting Oi! band from out of the SHARP department. And what I discovered I really liked and I still like damn much, lyrically very much as well as for sure and also first and foremost musically. And, by the way, to stand opposed and make a stand against the infectious and retarded Nazi poison is always a good thing anyhow!!! And some stupid mindless AFA-worshipping I also can't see, in contrast to most of the so called SHARP or RASH bands from (especially) Germany, for example, and this is very good as well. Hm, if there are any physical copies of the reviewed releases are still somewhere out there floating around I don't know. Just write the band @ http://www.facebook.com/kidsofthestreets and ask them. Also they have released a brandnew album, titled "BURN IT DOWN" or something so like this, just that you know it. Hm, and thinking about it I would wish to have their stuff here also on a proper CD or LP version (and not just as a MP3-Download) and their new album should also be very interesting. Hm, so I guess I will contact them some day by myself as well. So here with this very post I now will give you reviews of mostly all the so far released stuff of KIDS OF THE STREETS (beside their brandnew current album) in a chronological running order from 2009 to 2011, and so now here we go!!! Ladies and gentlemen, now here they come and are, the reviews:
("D.I.Y."; MP3-Download):
This is their first output for all what I do see, a single track from 2009, and it's the title track of their "Oi! FOR THE REBELS" named debut from 2009, but unfortunately I could not get my hands on it, neither as a MP3-Download nor as physiacl copy and so we have to stick with me doing a review of the title track up here and then that's just it for this one. The song is up tempo paced, hard hitting, pretty traditional Oi! Oi! Oi! Punk music marked by a very strong lead guitar and the lead work of it!!! Also the guitar work beside this is very tight and heavy, the riffing shredds through your ears, backed up by a bulky rhtyhm section that is very precise and save in timing played, and the charismatic and sharp spitted in English sung vocals then crown it all, while some nice "Oi! FOR THE REBELS" back up make it even better. Straight forward, fast paced, hard hitting, no fancy trendy bullshit Oi! Oi! Oi! for the next streetfight awaits you. Filled with lyrics against political scumbags and the corrupt system we live in and to stand up against it. What shall I write more, it's just one song and thinking about it that you by now should know what you get here let me just point out that this is a damn good one and is a strong starting point. So get the download and sing a long with your fists in the air to this anthem. Strong music, great lyrics, nice artwork packed up to it and a heavy rocking production sound. All what you need is there, so get the track!!! Cheers & Oi! Oi! Oi! (8 of 10 points)
("D.I.Y."; MP3-Download):
And here's the full length album of 2010 by KIDS OF THE STREETS, released for what I think primarly on CD, and like written up there in the introduction writing to this post, this is the album that I got aware of at first and that caught my attention for the first time. And as far as I really like their first sign of life as a proper band from 2009, their "Oi! FOR THE REBELS" stuff, I really love this album and it's pretty much one of the very best Oi! albums that I listened to over the last years. They developed quite a bigger bit and enriched their strong stomping and hard hitting brickwall Oi! with a clear U.K. influence with a impressive Rock & Roll feeling, great U.S. American Oi! influences (especially from bands like PRESSURE POINT and THE HARRINGTON SAINTS they draw some inspiration I guess and also a clearly strong Boston Oi!/Streetpunk feeling and influence is to be noticed) and also some folky and by russian folklore inspired parts are to be recognized (just listen to "MY NATIVE TOWN" or the brilliant "THE VOICE OF THE MAINSTREAM" and you will or at least should know what I mean), and espeially the very diverse and multi-layred, well-versed guitar work truly shines out, hand in hand together with the impresive improved charismatic and diverse skilled lead vocals, that are also just pure shining gold. Also the rhythm section improved strongly, going on like a diverse and precise working heavy bombing machinery with soul. The songwriting also is just phenomenal, building a lot of grapping tension and delivering one hell of strong and nicely varying songs and phenomenal sing a long moments one after another. Combine U.K. Oi! like the old legends of the COCKNEY REJECTS and new hopefuls like BOOZE & GLORY with U.S. Oi! like PRESSURE POINT and THE HARRINGTON SAINTS, then also with Boston Oi!/Streetpunk, some good strong doses of Folk and folklore (and bands like the DROPKICK MURPHYS and FLOGGING MOLLY should also be no strangers to the KIDS OF THE STREETS), and round it finally up with some healthy doses of some good rounds of STAGE BOTTLES impressions, and then melt it all together with a very strong own identity and forget all about ''copy & paste musick" and then you have a pretty good impression of what the KIDS OF THE STREETS are all about. And this album also showcases what a band is able to put out after just two years of existence when good and hard working guys really aim to create something of value. Thumbs up!!! Also the lyrics improved a lot and are just great stuff, covering also a wide distance of several different topics, from politics to personal stuff, Hooligan lyrics and also with a lot of Boots & Braces fun they deal in a proper way. The cover artwork with the Skinhead kicking in the heads of capitalists, politicians and police bastards is just great!!! The production sound is also pure gold. Nothing left to say, this is a ultimate masterpice, so just get it!!! Btw, the doubled guitar pricking in "IT'S UP TO YOU" sounds like a nice Oi!-ish tribute playing to IRON MAIDEN, and that's fucking cool. One of the very best Oi! albums (and not only talking about Oi! albums) in years, period. Cheers & Oi! (10 of 10 points)
("D.I.Y."; MP3-Download):
This is their 2011 release and it was primarly released as a 7'' release, but as above in the case of the CD don't ask me which label used to put it out, I don't know it, sorry for this. With this four track EP from 2011 they worked their very on style that they founded on "UNDER ATTACK" more precisely and detailed out. But even this is again one hell of a great release, it can't completely match up with their masterpiece from 2010, but it's still a great release anyhow. Strong rockin' and rollin' Oi! somewhere between the U.K. and the U.S. with some nice folkish flavor to it and nice STAGE BOTTLES (minus the Saxophone) impressions. Great diverse guitar work, but this time the riffing is not completly that strong like on the album and instead of this the very strong rockin' and rollin' anthemic lead guitar takes even more the lead further on and doing even a lot of the ''singing'' by its own, if you know what I mean. It's damn strong and if you like this even more than I do it you will for sure love this release and this again even more than I do it. Anthemic sing a longs they deliver as well non stopp and the skills of the msuicians improved again, especially again the guitars and the lead vocals really shine out, and this is also just great. Sharp edged, hard hitting, bonedry and skullcracking, yet very melodic and catchy, fucking anthemic and hymnal, damn diverse Oi! is it what the KIDS OF THE STREETS deliver here, and when you have also some old swedish Oi! roughnecks like RADIO 69 way up high on your list and you should still don't know the KIDS OF THE STREETS then let me tell you that you should change this very soon because you will love them as well and then start with this release of them. Strong fresh lyrics on top of it, again a great artwork and a full proper production sound to make it all very damn round. Again highly recommended by me to you so just get it. Cheers & fuckin' Oi! and destroy!!! (9 of 10 points)
So, okay, that's it so far, all stuff by the KIDS OF THE STREETS reviewed here is calmly and highly recommended by me to you if you are just anyhow into Oi! music. This is a amazing great band, so check them out!!! And on "Oi! Oi! Music .com" you can also find an interview with them from the October of the last year, go and click on the interviews section andscroll untill you find it, and so check it out. Oi! Oi! Oi!
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